Hmmp! Wow, i suddenly feel so relax... and its exam week :|
Hahaha.. oh well, sat for ELAHA yesterday... Ethics, law and health care.... which explains the picture on top!
But oh well, it was a reasonable paper, not COMPLAINING!
hahah! Than i went home and slept, and studied for 2 hours for my Nursing Science 3... Really worth it...
Its like the question my friend came out with was actually the questions on the test paper :|!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! hahaha...
The paper asked loads on questions about BREAST though... breast feeding la... breast this la.. that la... really interesting! But they also asked about LUMBAR PUNCTURE and PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE.It was rather an easy paper.. definitely able to get higher than 70.. shall wait and see my results!
HEHEHEHE! Sorry, i know this post is kinda a bore! But i soooo wanna share! Hahaha... Mike asked me to blog about dildos... I think i am giving that a pass, dont wanna corrupt my student's mind!
Take care butches!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Sexy Underwear!
Yea! Which guy would not love his dose of nice patterned/designed underwear to attract his girl eh?
I met Jeremy online and he gave me a blog topic... a topic which he kinda likes i think, judging that his nick was Brief something something... Hahaha.. nice dude though! So oh well, his request has been acknowledged.
I bet Vidya would definitely love her future boyfriend to wear these instead of the uncle types:| You can get these sort of designs in hip stores like TopMan!There is one which is made like a ketupat! How creative are these people eh? U can weave it and shape it according to your groin! LOL!!!!
And last but not least, THE UGLIEST! Something i would never wear! nor most of my friends:| THESE PVC suits! Its looks SUPER sadomasochist! I mean, all you need to do is use a pen and do a small poke on this wear, and wolla! It explodes! Plus, the man don't look sooooo masculine in these suits! Its just gross! LOL
Monday, November 24, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Stupid Exams
What are the ethical principles?
What are the value statements?
What are all these freakin crap about?
Hahaha! Gosh, my mind is soooo booooooooggled about Law, Ethics and Health Care AKA ELAHA!
Its a fun subject though, for testing us on it is kinda pressurizing... now i have 4 subjects to study for, and hopefully, i will either maintain or improve my GPAKinda found this picture on the net... It kinda interest me though... hahaha, the different looks on different nurses.... I find Miss Wong pretty:| Thats because she is the only one who looks young? and well drawn? Hahaha!
Okie enough of the shouting, now i seriously have to go to Zena's place to freakinly study my Psychology, Sociology and Nursing science 4, which i know nuts about!
All i can say now is "PRAISE THE LORD"
Lets see what crappy answers i can write/draw on my exam script...
Till tomorrow!
Sunday, November 23, 2008 | | 1 Comments
Haut Fashion
I was in Haut Fashion's website and i kinda dropped by some DEAD GORGEOUS PICTURES!!!!
1) The models are hot!
2) The dressings are Nice!
3) The scenery is spectacular
4) Its just STUNNING!
Take a look!
The pictures all came from http://www.hautfashion.com/ ... Have a look!
Saturday, November 22, 2008 | | 2 Comments
GOSH!!!! EXAM'S next week!!!!!!
Oh no!
Oh well, anyway, i just wanna talk about something i saw yesterday...
I was walking into the Ngee Ann Alumni cafe when i saw this guy, feeding another guy... that instant, i kinda had a hint that they were gay...
Than i sat somewhere beside them, with Zena by my side... and OH MY GOD! I GOT A FREE SHOW... and it was FREAKING SWEEEEET!!!!!!!!!! These 2 guys were publicly showing their affection, the bottom being shy to express it infront of me though.. but they way there were, it was just so darn cute la!!!!!
Hahaha... as i said, i support rainbows!!! I wanted to go there and give them a handshake for coming out of the clossit to publicly show their affection.. but than again, i am kinda a little against it... I mean, as long as they dont do it near young people, i dont mind.... HEHEHE!!! But oh my, Zena and i kinda got jealous!!! HAHAHA!!!!
I feel that i want a girlfriend!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!!
Thats all for now i guess,
Hope i will survive throughout this common test!!!
Thursday, November 20, 2008 | | 7 Comments
No blogging for a week!
I am sad to say that I would not be blogging for 1 week. Sorry, but there wont be any bitchy, or disgusting post for around 7 days.. Need to study for my common test!
Wishing me all the best!
Tuesday, November 18, 2008 | | 0 Comments
A question...
I am just kinda curious!
There is business fashion, street fashion and even devil fashion (Gothic)... there are all different types of wear....
Is wearing a business fashion fashionable for a casual party? Nope!
But what about OLD FASHION? Is it still considered as a type of fashion or just plain slashion? Hmmp... I mean, if you see someone wearing a old fashion clothing, it kinda looks nice, but is it still considered fashionable?
Drain pipe jeans is old fashion, and those suspenders also.. HMMP... or even bow ties!
What do you think?
Write it under COMMENTS!
Loving ya!
Monday, November 17, 2008 | | 0 Comments
I need sunglasses!!!!
I soo need sunglasses, and of course contact lenses....
My Reebok glasses which i have been wearing for over a year and a half have just left me a scar and a dent on my nose! LIKE OH MY LORD!
This one is by Gucci though, love its cat eye look! Hareni should totally invest on one of these!
And here comes my favorites! Prada! I was THIS close in buying a Prada eye glasses when someone stopped me :| It looked really nice la! Hope i can get my hands on one of these during christmas!
Another one by Prada! MUACKS! Fabulous!
Okie, now its time for me to deside on the contacts! I thought of getting the one with the pearl gray look, so i kinda look like i have been possessed! Oh shall i go for the warm honey? Help please!!!!!! Deside for me! Write it under comments! Thanks darlings!
Sunday, November 16, 2008 | | 5 Comments
Oh my god! Hottie alert! WOOT!!!!
Gosh, which straight guy would not be attracted to a hottie like her? Well, hell yea I am!
I think she is really cool la! I mean, she came here to Singapore right? And she sang, and there was some microphone problem, and she was like a little pissed but continued to wow her fans!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Wow! I love her hair man... and her eyes...... and .... and...... oh well, love whats she is wearing!
Drools............................................. Pink seriously suits her!
Saturday, November 15, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Truely Man? MY FOOT!
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Friday, November 14, 2008 | | 2 Comments
Paris For President!
Have a look at it, and please don't forget to vote Paris as your new president! (even though its over) Hahaha....
Have a nice day ahead people!
Thursday, November 13, 2008 | | 2 Comments
I Phone
Gosh, i am jealous when ever i see Hareni with her freakinly hot I PHONE!
All i have is a dumb Motorola Razr2 V9. I practically have to charge that darn freakin phone every single day! Like wtf la... battery life seriously sucks my mind off!!!! Even if it looks pretty fahionable, its just plain stupid to have a phone which dies on you after 2 hours of talking on the phone. Waste my MARNIE AH!
I so wanna get this I phone! But its kinda expensive.. I mean, most of my money goes onto food! I simply love F words.. Food and Fashion that is... But oh my god, I really cannot resist my temptation. I just need to own an I phone.. Hmmp...
Well, i guess i would have to wait like for another freaking 6 more months before i can lay my hands onto one.. but by than, it would be totally old:|
Maybe LG will come up with nicer phones:| I am sooo becoming one of their fans... Hahaha.. I mean, last time i thought their phones just suck.. but now, hmmp! Times have changed eh?
Wednesday, November 12, 2008 | | 2 Comments
My first topic will be on condoms... Well not really condoms, but the boxes actually!
Here are some designs
Its sold all around Singapore. Watsons, bla bla bla... Go get one now. Have safer, protected and a funky fun sex! This message comes from a trainie nurse :|
Tuesday, November 11, 2008 | | 2 Comments
I simply could not stop laughing my arse out after reading Bryan Boy's blog.
He is sooooo gay until he sweats glitter... Like what the hell? HAHA!!! And i simply adore his fashion sense man... Plus his post.... He kinda typed one on Beyoncé.Sorry Beyoncé... or is it Sasha Fierce? Even though i used to be your huge fan, i would have to you that you kinda look like a tranny now.... Split personality? HMMP!!! This outfit does not really suit you though. I totally agree with Bryan Boy..... And it looks like your boob could totally EXPLODE out of that suit anytime... Haha!
And oh my.... please put on a pants before having a concert... Is it that darn Sasha Fierce again? I WANT MY BEYONCÉ BACK AGAIN!!!!!
I want this Beyoncé!!!!! ARGH!!!!!!!
Monday, November 10, 2008 | | 0 Comments
I simply love Vogue... Its like the best fashion magazine ever!!! Plus, they feature really hot models...
But anyway, i was just viewing the website for the spring 2009 menswear collection for these 2 brands. Gucci and Calvin Klien. I think they both have a really wonder collection. Take a look below.
This guy below look a little gay though... But i totally like what he is wearing la!!!! The colour combination is just perfect, plus the sunglasses he is wearing is so matching!!! Plus, it looks really casual... By Gucci
Gosh gosh gosh.... but the thing now is, if i were to wear this in Singapore, i would totally look like a clown!!!! Or most prob, people will start thinking that i am gay... bla bla bla... Really weird... I think shirts and 3/4 pants will do the trick here though. Just like the Calvin Klien one....
I bet Hareni would have been turned on by these models already.... Hahaha!!! Lovin ya darlin!
Sunday, November 09, 2008 | | 1 Comments
Kate Miller, PNAU and Chris brown
I simply love these 3 music videos!
The first one is by Kate Miller. Her song really makes me wanna dance man... and OH MY LORD, she is just so gorgeous :|
Kate Miller: Can't shake it
The second one is by PNAU. The music video is sooooo Gay lah.. darn funny! Hahaha.. and so damn cute, with all these little ghost... and dolls.. and bla bla bla... U guys should totally see it! The colours used in this vid is simply wonderful!
The story line is something like this. This gay Top, pisses of this Btm, and than this spirits come and sing for them... and this BTM who totally reminds me of BRYAN BOY(for no reason) rips the top's heart.. and somehow he falls.. and they started to blow together.. i mean, instruments :|... and live happily ever after?
PNAU: Baby
And the last video is from Christ brown, featuring the beautiful and sexy Keri Hilson. Everyone agrees that Chris brown is a stud. But oh my gosh, i simply can't leave my eyes out off Keri hilson.. GIGGLES!!!
Chris Brown Ft. Keri Hilson - Superhuman
Saturday, November 08, 2008 | | 1 Comments
Lets speak of the truth first.
I USED TO HATE RAINBROS!!!! (Know what i mean?)
I used to discriminated rainbros!!
But times have changed i guess, that is because of what i learnt in Oxford street.
Rainbros there are actually very nice people actually. I mean, regardless of race, or religion, they would definitely approach you with a smiling face to make friends. Not like here of course!
When i went into a chatline named SGBOY in irc, it was rather saddening when people say they mind your race even when you made it clear to them that you are seeking friends... But what can i say? Its just sad maybe.... But ironically, some just cannot accept the fact that they feel that way :|....
But i have decided not to generalise people because i sooo not wanna be like them!
Yawns.... I know that most of them are really nice people and definitely need to be accepted by us.
But this does not mean that i am a supporter of section 377a! I will keep my opinon on the section to myself... Hahaha....
Saturday, November 08, 2008 | | 0 Comments
I need to gain weight!!!!
Any time soon, i would definitely be heading towards TAN TOCK SENG HOSPITAL'S emergency department due to my FREAKING PAINFUL pressure sores!!!
WOAH LIAO!!!! Buttok Darn painful lah! I totally need to buck up. Need to go gym. Need to eat 5 times daily...
Like what the bleah, my BMI is like 14.9... SCARY!!!!!!! Hahaha... skinny is SHIT!!!
I soooooo wanna be like the man in the pic.... The body, OH MY GOD!!!! I so want it la! Than can attract girls.. HAHAHA!!!! Now i just look like a harmless small boy:|
Friday, November 07, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Hot Topic!
I love the news papers, definitely!
It totally agrees with me :D
Yea! Ban Hot Pants, slippers, singlets and sloppish dressing!!!!!!
I wonder when Ngee Ann poly would totally ban this? Humm...
I asked a couple of strangers why they liked to wear hot pants... and well, i never expected them to say this....
"Er, Hot Pants is the in thing MAH!" she said....
"Whatever you say (whore), you words are so gonna be in my blog" I said...
Hot pants are fashionable? I am so gonna call fashion police to arrest you guys! ITS SLASHIONABLE.. SLUTTY FASHION! Ha!!!
Not something you wear to school darling... its something you wear to Geylang to attrack the ah pek's attention and get them to pay you loads of money.
Take a look below! I took it out from the net.
Its so fashion disaster!
Its a fashion crime!
And its 100 percent slutty fashion!
Thursday, November 06, 2008 | | 0 Comments
The new president! Rated: M18
It was a close fight.
A fight between the Republic and the Democrats.
A fight which made history.
I hereby would like to congratulate the first ever African American president for his success!
Oh dear lord! Wrong picture :|.... But this 7.5 inch dildo does not look that bad eh? I should buy like truckloads for my classmates.. Hahaha.. We all sure do support Obama! But i wonder how it would feel having someone u idolize being shuffed up your ____... soooo not going there!
Lets start over again.....
It was a close fight.
A fight between the Republic and the Democrats.
A fight which made history.
I hereby would like to congratulate the first ever African American president for his success!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 | | 0 Comments
Pet Robots!
Another post about Japanese inventions... But this time, its all about robots...
I think robots is like the in thing right now... how cool will it be when we own a pet robot?
You can have a robot dancing for you when you are stressed up during work....You can have a robot to cook breakfast for you... Or just be your maid....
Or you can even have an irritating pet baby! Everyone loves twins don't they? How cool will it be?
I wonder why Singapore is not progressing much into this robotics thingy... I mean, having a pet robot is the coolest thing la... exp for those Emo dudes.. they can just sit one corner and have these robots by their side to hear them out.... Hahaha...
What kinda PET robots do you like to own? Write it under comments!
Wednesday, November 05, 2008 | | 0 Comments