Christian Siriano

Whose the best designer there is? No no, i aint talking about Prada, Gucci (for some reason, my friend pronounces it as GA KI) or even Armani. I am talking about flamboyant designer Christian Siriano. Oh yea baby, he is Fierce!

Oh yea, i have a question for you guys. You know that Christian Siriano is gay right? Do you think guys with the best fashion sense are gays? Hmmp! Write under comments darlings!

Oh ya, this guy above is Brad Walsh. He is a singer, designer and also a DJ. And ya, they are like having a thing there.. Cute couple eh? Christian somehow never fails to crake me up.. Oh my...

BUT OH MY GOSH! His fashion designs still make me go gaaaaaaaaa gaaaaaa! I mean look at how stunning my girl friends will look in those lovely clothings he makes!


I think i may even be having a crush on him! HAHAHAHA!

Mood Disorder

AT LAST!!!!! Some maybe enjoying this moment as i reopen my blog after a long time of silence. Yes, i have been going through alot.

So let me briefly explain. Basically i had my exams like 2 months ago, passed all of it, went to India for 3 weeks for my attachment (see pictures in facebook) and had to have moments for myself because i am going through an emotional break down. Yes! I admit, i am not of a stable mind right now. Maybe its just that the urge to be with someone who would be there for you, whom you can share the love with, whom you can enjoy life with... God! How i wish i had those moments.....

I felt like a fool believing that a relationship of mine could last beyond 4 years. Why do some people not have feelings? Why did some distorted nose Medusa turn some people's heart into stone (Not refering to anyone from school).

Life seemed like the end sometimes. But somehow, with my inspirational posters, i manage to get back to track. But there are alot more that some people should know. Alot more about me.

I am simple not an everyday normal guy. Well, some may know what i mean :)

Yes, i know. There are many fishes in the pond, but is it easy to find another when you lost your memorable golden piece? Hopefully i can find someone whom i can sustain a relationship with for a long period of time....

May god bless us all


Yes... guess what people? I am definitely becoming more 'wisdomous'. LOL! gosh, growing a wisdom tooth really hurts, especially the excruciating pain when it pops out that gum. However, like myself, this wisdom tooth is growing straight out of my gum (Avoiding banging into my 2nd molar).

But anyway, i think its cool that my Bottom wisdom tooth is growing la... Now i will have a complete set all to myself (WUAHAHAHAHAHAHA)

I wonder if Hareni wants to meet me tomorrow... Hmmp!

Suppose to meet Adrian and Her and these 3 musketeers will totally have like 2 balls of fun! (Or even more if they desire) Hehehe!

But anyway, meeting vidya tonight for dinner. I wonder if i would be fully recovered by tonight. Do not want to spread my INFECTIOUS DISEASE to Vids, Hars, and Ads!

Lets put these in god's hands baby!


Loving ya besties!

New Co-Author for Slashion

OMG!! i have been made a co author of this blog!


ok for my first post.. i shall erm.. promise u that i'll come up with a better second post!

Hareni hearts 

Sam Sparro

Some of you may know him, some may not... Well, lets see if this rings a bell? Black and Gold... Not yet? Hmmp.... 

Yennieway, this stylo milo over here is Sam Sparro... He sang this hit song Black and gold.. totally recommend you all to listen to it..

Yah yah yah, there is another pic of him... okie... Some gay people who read my blog would say this "since when have you started to support gay artist"... Oh well, i dont look at artist being gay, straight, trannie, asexual, animagus (people who screw animals), what so ever... I judge them for their talent baby!!!

And Sam Sparro is one of them! He is totally talented baby! Gosh, these gays singers make it big... Elton john bla bla bla... and soo on.. and now, THIS FELLOW? "OH WHY... OH WHY!!! Whats happening to this world! Why are all handsome man being gay?" (as quoted by Hareni) I bet she would have been drooling all over his pictures already! HAHAHA!!!!

Well, i shall not lie either... he is good looking! But what matters most is that music he makes right? Well judge it for yourself... go to youtube and watch his video!

I would recommend one of his videos, "American boy" which he sang for the radio. That song was sung by Estella, but he kinda changed a few words here and there.... so yea!!! gay dudes, catch that. Already one of my friends love it! Hahaha!... 

Black and Gold makes me wanna dance BABY!!!

Arun hearts 

3 fabulous fashion designs!

Critics hates it, but Style loves it!

Here are some pictures which i saw on and totally LOVE IT!!! apparently, critics hate these dresses... BUT WHY?

Here's Cameron Diaz in Emanuel Ugaro Haute Couture, 2002

Isent she a beauty? Well, i think the dress is simply funtabulous! Totally fits her, shows her hot body off, and of course, the red design is soooo in during this chinese new ear festive. 

Björk in Marjan Pejoski 2001
Look at this lovely swan dress! Hahaha.. does it not look totally cute on her... gosh! 5 THUMBS UP for the cute factor baby!……

Marion Cotillard in Jean Paul Gaultier Couture 2008
Does this dress not remind you of the Merlion (Half mermaid, half lion) dress made by Muhammad Hafiz Tahir for our Ms Singapore? Well, of course, no one beats the one above.... Gosh, she is darn gorgeous with that nice gown on.. totally speechless! 

Arun hearts 

2009 male haircuts

I was reading Bryan boy's blog today, just a random blog reading when i am bored.... Find his blog totally funny, and of course it is rather entertaining.

Well, guess who is on Vogue eh? Oh wait, you already saw.. WHATCHA THINK? IT WAS BY JASON WU.. gosh, that guy is really good in designing! He is definitely one lucky guy! Hahaha!

Well, drooling aside, i just wanted to tell you guys what happened today. WELL I NEARLY LOST MY GIRLFRIEND!!! GOSH... I kinda left her in Siang song(how ever you spell it) and walked towards a bus stop like for 1 min. And than Zena reminded me about her... I QUICKLY RAN towards the counter to search for her man... GOSH!!! I LOVE MY LAPPIE DARN MUCH LA!!!!
My Apple darling! i will never loose you again!!! You nearly gave me a heart attack man! And thanks a lot Zena, for reminding me... MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS MUACKS.. if not ah.. my 2000 bucks!!! GONE INTO SOMEONE'S HANDS!!! SADDENING!!!! ARGH!!!!

Well anyway, who says that gelling up hair is the in thing? well, maybe not... i think these fringe cuts are darn cool this year la!!! Looks smart and easy to do!!! Don't need to wake up an hour earlier just to do the hair.... Too bad i don't have these kind of straight hair. Mine is kinda curly! So i guess, GI cut suits me! Hahaha!

Hmmp, Brat Pitt reminds me of something... Please watch The Curious Case of Benjamin Button. ITS DARN COOL!!! I think the movie is really really touching. and Brat Pitt really did act very well... I nearly cried whilst watching the movie! Watch it and enjoy it...

Thats all for now people!

Take care...

Remember, Arun loves you all!


Everyone Loves Photo Booth

Loving all my besties!!!!

iWork 09'

After many days of emoing, due to the impossiblism of getting a brand new iPod Touch 16 gb, i kinda drifted my attention towards something different. Guess whats that? Just for your info, i will make sure i get this iPOD touch before national day! Hahaha. I know thats a long way to go, but apple products never get boring! YEA!

Anyway, I am totally gonna purchase a iWork 09' as it totally beats the crap out of Microsoft office... well you guys should really try it man! and its only like 138 bucks for single users and 168 bucks for family package? THATS CHEAPER THEN DUMBASS Office which cost more than 160 bucks with alot of unwanted boring stuff.

Okie, i think thats all for now. Tomorrow i am having like my Nursing Skills Lab Exams... TOTALLY GONNA PASS THAT PAPER.... but anyway, i need to find a way to earn some cash, and i need your help people! HEHEHEHE!!!!

Okie than, see ya another time!




James Bond Watch

Ever wanted to be like James Bond? Wearing an irresistibly masculine Tuxedo? Or having a gorgeous car to chase criminals around? Or even having a hot and sexy babe every time, flaunting around his small gun(No Hidden Meaning) to her. Claiming that he loves her, but in the end, somehow dumps her? What about his watch? Remember the time where all of us went "WOW" when he started speaking into his FAKE handphone watch?

Gosh, ever wanted to be owning one of that? Well, guess what? LG has come out with a new design, cramming all that technology into a small little watch, which you can just wear it and speak like a spy.. GOSH, isn't that cool... COME COME.. Take a look at a few of these pictures... 

Yes, it can play music, you can read or send sms and blah blah blah!!! But one thing with this watch is, you can only talk to someone via speaker phone! Like GOSH!!! I think the japanese are better in invention. But i will give this a thumbs up for cool factor... But still, no one can beat the iPhone! Hahahaha!!! 

Oh yah, by the way Hareni... WHERE IS MY BIRTHDAY PRESENT AH?

My First Short Clip

Well, this clip is actually to raise awareness of HIV and of course, to educate 
people that patients with HIV need your support to live as long as possible. 
Like for an example, this is based on a true story. My friend, who happens to 
be a queer, did not have any support from his parents or even friends until the
day he died. Most of us did not know about his conditions because he was 
afraid that we may just leave him. But oh well!!! Take a look at the short clip 
people, and comment on it ya? 

With love,

iLife 09

You guessed it right! My iLife 09 has finally arrived. I was suffering under 08 like for a few weeks, so once i received my iLife 09, i was really excited... Because i am definitely one of the first in singapore to get their hands on this software!

Well not sure about what i am talking about? Well, iLife 09 is the new apple upgrade to organize photos, create websites, music and movies. It can even do stuff with DVD's.. It only cost me 18 bucks.. AND I AM NOT LYING!!!! HAHAHA...


Okie, my packaging was not like this because mine i only had to pay for shipping charges or something like this.. the one above cost around 100 plus bucks.. BUT ITS TOTALLY WORTH IT.. to those sufferers who are suffering under iLife08... 

Apple software and products are definitely better then the other brands in the market! Its so stable and fun to use. Plus, its environmentally friendly... PLUS POINT DARLINGS!

Okie, i promise this would be the last time i would be blogging on Mac book related stuff.. HOPEFULLY!!! HAHAHA...

HARENI!!! I HAVE iLife 09 and U DONT!!! NEH NEH NI PU PU!!!!!!

Considering purchasing a iPhone, but lets wait until i am stable! Hahahahaha!


SOB SOB!!!!!!!


Oh yea, my new pictures are up.. Here are some for you to actually drool on... HEHEHEHE...

I simply love Safiah.. I think she is the most reliable person to count on in this world!!! Loving you darls...

I totally should invest on this specs right? It looks super cool la!!!

My spiced up look!

Well thats all... will upload more later peeps


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