Latest pic

Yea yea yea!!! This is like my latest pic... I know... Okie... I totally need a hair cut... SO MJ SALOON HERE I COME!!!!!

Banned Commercials

Haha! I simply love watching Banned Commercials.. i mean, they are FREAKING HILARIOUS! You will laugh till your balls drop man! Well mine did! HAHAHA!

Well take a look at our Adam And Eve! Who wouldn't love Adam as a friend eh? Hareni definitely would... Hahaha! SUPER DARN CUTE la His character!

And than comes 4 commercials combined together... I love the vending machine one! Haha!

Flavoured Condoms! Who would have expected eh?

And last but not least, which i think was totally making me bang my head against the wall, is this advertisement below! LOOKIE LOOKIE!

Thats all for now peeps!


The day the earth stood still

Watched this movie yesterday... and guess what.... THIS MOVIE SUCKS.. its about a martian who comes to earth.. to save it from humans... bla bla bla.. and many small little globes.. and a truck loads of rubbish scenes! GOSH! Wasted my 15 dollars! 15 dollars leh! Can buy 7 plates of chicken rice! 1 week lunch! GOSH! SUCH A WASTE!!!! Hahaha....

This movie does not even deserve a rating at all! 0/5? Such an embarrassment for Keanu Reeves though... Mr Bean the movie is the most boring... followed by the legend, flowed by this! It really sucks la! And full of pure crap! Really, wanted to throw tomatos on the big screen! Hahahahaha! I kinda had a good nap though during the movie though!

Oh well, thats all for now!

Toddles colludles!

Winter wear

Can i so marry the girl to my right? HOTTIE!

Oh gosh, how i wish Singapore would be snowing for Christmas!

GOSH! Oh well, here are some really gorgeous clothings you can wear for Christmas...

This would totally look pretty on my pal Vidya! Since she loves the colour pink so much, the coat cost rather cheap... Only around 3000 plus dollars.... And it looks super darn nice la! Makes the girl stand out in public... gosh, even the model is attracting me right now! Hareni should choose a baby blue kinda colour.. since she loves it.. totally suits her... something like the blue pants below!

I have seen my skinny friends wearing skinny jeans.. Well for the millionth TIME, SKINNY JEANS ARE NOT FOR AMATURE SKINNY PEOPLE! Look at these ladies... they know how to pull it off.. and they are not bamboo size skinny.. they are just simply sexy... and they know how to pull it off... not like some ahbeng in singapore who like to wear a skinny jeans and a big shirt.. LIKE HELLO! it simply makes a guy look gay!!!!! No offence to the gay though.. Elffy, my drag queen fan can totally pull it off though....

Well thats all for now i guess...

Till next time....

Cherios people!


Well, as i was reading Vidya's blog (totally ignoring the unglam pic of me), i came across this superly hilarious post!

Haha! Its kinda about "Electronic Road Pricing a.k.a ERP LA!"

This is so called the ERP layout of 2010! Hahaha!

And this is so called the layout for 2015.. Oh dear.... i think Singapore will be like the richest county on earth!

This is totally whats gonna happen in a few years time.. or is actually happening now!

So, after seeing all these pictures, what does ERP really mean to you?

Well, for my Funny taxi driver, who simply cannot stop talking about thunder and elephants, he kinda enlightened me about the meaning of ERP. So simple, yet i have not thought about it....


Red Alert 3

Yes darlings, I do play PC games :|

Well, before i start blogging, i would like to apologize to all my fans due to my busy schedule. Yes, day and night, have been having attachment and homework! Stressing man!

But oh well, anyway, i bought this Red Alert 3 game like a few days ago... Kinda cost me like around 60 bucks...

Well, i have always been addicted to the Red Alert Series, especially Yuri's revenge... But i would like to say that this RED ALERT 3 GAME SUCKS!

Yes! It sucks big time. I give 6/10 for Red alert 1, 9/10 for red alert 2 and just a pathetic 2/10 for Red Alert 3.

I cannot see my damn tanks shooting! My tanks have stupid and weak weapons, and they get exploded darn fast! I WOULD NOT WANT THAT KINDA TECHNOLOGY! GOSH! Stupid Red Alert 3.... In red alert 2, i can choose Russia, Iran, France, Germany, Yuri and many many more!

But now, i can only choose the Alies, Soviet and The Empire of the Rising Sun. And the game look tooo cartoonie! The plot is sooo fake! Everything there seem so fake! Not like red alert 2, where it kinda has like 50 percent real stuff. And the ladies there look totally like prostitutes! GOSH! But they have nice knockers though! LOL.. But its just like abit weird having it in a game!

I think i rather Need For Speed now... talking about that, i bought Mike a Need for Speed Undercover for christmas, kinda cost me around the same price as well! Hope he likes it!

Thats all for now people!



What a beauty! Know who she is? Hint: MISS WORLD 2008 pageant

I should totally buy this Saree for my mum... Looks really darn gorgeous..

Hahaha! Gosh, You guys know what i learnt today? Or actually learnt how stupid i was :|

Okie, You know there is a Miss Universe right? Where basically all the most beautiful woman who are representing their country, compete with others around the globe?

And also, we know that Miss World is where the 2nd most beautiful beauties in each countries compete right?

Well, you know What?

The 3rd most beautiful ladies in each countries actually participate in Miss Earth.... YEA!!!!!


How could i not know that? But anyway, no one can beat the Miss Universe beauties! Gosh! USA was outstanding.

Kinda sad that Manhunt crap is not really popular... or else i would totally flaunt my body! HAHAHAHA! Hey hey! Woman are jealous of my 26.5 inch waist hour glass figure alright! Wink!
Personal Trainer - Adrian Tan
Okie this is 2006 winner.. Hareni, you have time to oggle at him! DROOL ALL OVER HIS BODY BABY!

Okie, i guess thats all for this post!

Toddlie do!


Oh dear! This is what I did today...

Woke up in the morning

Brushed my teeth, took a shower, bla bla bla...

Watched OKTO

Played Lord of the Rings in my Desktop

Watched OKTO

Watched Channel News Asia...




Called Vidya and Mike

Yawned again...

Watched OKTO



Ya awned!

And here i am :|


Weird Fashion

Oh dear lord, i was looking at the 2008 fashion collection and i seriously came across some super werid fashion trends.. MY GOD! Someone call the fashion police please! Handcuff the designer who made it... HAHAHA.... I mean, why would someone walk around with a dear head on their head? BLEH!!!! Pity that georgeous model...

This image below totally reminds me of how ugly betty dresses up.. HAHAHA.. the model now looks like her.. poor thing.. But i still love ugly betty though.. She rocks socks... My little ugly duckling... LOVING YOU BIATCH!

and than comes shoes which no one i know would totally buy it! Fugly man!!! FUGLY!

And than, there is this designer who is trying to design cloths for Tomb Raider, but totally could not make it again.. i mean, ITS WEIRD!!! Its like EWWW!!!!!!!!

And last but not least, isent that Britney Spears? LOL!!!!!!!! SEXY BABY!!!!!!!!! Sexy legs! WUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Thats all for now trannies!


Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon 2008

WOW! Such a tiring day... Well for all of us that is.....

Us medics practically have to run here and there saving lives.. and i think thats cool.. better than our poor runners having to run for more then 6 hours non stop, having heat cramps and heat strokes....

But i think it was all worth it eh? Such a successful event!

After the Marathon, i kinda went back home and slept at around 2 pm.. Woke up the next year at 12 pm.. LOL! Thats because i did not sleep for more than 36 hours? Oh well....

Yesterday was a freaking fun day!

First of all, both Mike and I went shopping for Briefs and we kinda picked this really cool dragon design from skinxwear. It cost around 16 dollars per brief, and i kinda bought 3 briefs. Such good quality. 2 for him, and 1 for me.. AND THATS UR CHRISTMAS PRESENT DUDE!!!! it cost like 32 bucks in total.. so remember our deal? What ever u buy is 10 times more than what i give u right? since u are working.. so i am totally expecting something which cost around 320 bucks? LOL!!!! Neh, just joking!

For the record, Viknesh still owes me a shirt, Hareni still owes me a birthday present....

Okie, back to track, after shopping, we kinda went to catch this awsome movie called BOLT!

Its about this dog who was adopted and ***********************************. ********************and**********************.

The ending was great though... and Bolt is soooooooooooooo darn adorable.... Mike and I decided that one day, we should adopt a dog together like what J.D. and Turk did in "Scrubs" a comedy... And we are sooo gonna name the dog BOLT!!! How original! LOL....

Out of 5 dog paws, i give the movie 5 DOG PAWS!!!! LIKE WHAT THE HELL RIGHT? i never rated a movie 5/5 like ever... Except for Transformers... But this is really cool la....

Okie okie, enough of the talking... But please people, GO CATCH BOLT!!!! ITS LIKE THE BEST MOVIE OF THE YEAR!!!!!


Christmas gifts

Everyone need accessories to go with their style.. and of course, i love apple products! Remember eve from Wall-e? Darling......

Well, a nano chrome never fails to go with any style... i would definitely pick the red... no no... the light blue? No... the black? ARGH!!!!! TOOO MANY CHOICES!!!! but to make a loud boyish statement, i would love the blue.... but the black is good for a business look.. hmmp!
One of my friend wanted to buy me this watch for christmas... It kinda cost around 200 bucks.. But when we went to Puma Time to make a purchase, we realised that my hand is kinda small.. Hahaha.. the circumferance of my hand is around 4.5 - 5 cm? YEA! The watch is for those manly muscular F1 fan kinda guys.. but it looks really nice la! Too bad they dont come in baby sizes! so he ended up buying nothing for me... But we will go shopping alright darl? I am sooo gonna get those ugly boxers we saw for you for christmas!!!! HAHAHA!!!!!
I told my friend to get me this watch instead.. which is soooo double the price... so he kinda gave me a slap! Hahahahaha.... But it looks darn cool la! And it comes with black, which makes it blend with anything.. COOL COOL COOL!!!!! It tells me my heart rate.. bla bla bla.. Just get a copy of Men's Health... Its freaking cool la that magazine!!!!

I think i sooo need a belt... i have been keeping my eye on this Louis Vuitton belt in my mind... i say 1 guy wearing it and it looks dead gorgeous! The blet... not the guy '_' " Some how in the picture below, it looks kinda... not that nice? Gosh... oh well... I bet i am gonna pamper myself during this Christmas and New Year!

Talking about New Year, 2008 is definitely a great year for me man! I wonder how 2009 will look like!!! HMMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well thats all for now my bitches!

Have a nice long weekend!


I am 24 years,175cm,67KG,I wanna make a boyfriend ,about under 27 years!!

Wow!!! Someone wants to make a boyfriend! LOL!!!!!!!! I wonder how? Which chemical compounds being mixed together.. here and there.. ermz....

Maybe the person will go powerpuff girl style? LOL!


Firstly, my loyal readers, sorry for the procrastination.


I totally find these videos FAR NIEEE AH!

And last but not least, and indian guy trying to have an indian accent, but totally failed! LOL....

Will blog more about what i saw in Vivo when i wake up... Just a short post for today...

Loving ya butches!



Hmmp! Wow, i suddenly feel so relax... and its exam week :|


Hahaha.. oh well, sat for ELAHA yesterday... Ethics, law and health care.... which explains the picture on top!

But oh well, it was a reasonable paper, not COMPLAINING!

hahah! Than i went home and slept, and studied for 2 hours for my Nursing Science 3... Really worth it...

Its like the question my friend came out with was actually the questions on the test paper :|!!! WHAT THE HELL!!! hahaha...

The paper asked loads on questions about BREAST though... breast feeding la... breast this la.. that la... really interesting! But they also asked about LUMBAR PUNCTURE and PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE.
It was rather an easy paper.. definitely able to get higher than 70.. shall wait and see my results!

HEHEHEHE! Sorry, i know this post is kinda a bore! But i soooo wanna share! Hahaha... Mike asked me to blog about dildos... I think i am giving that a pass, dont wanna corrupt my student's mind!

Take care butches!

Sexy Underwear!

Yea! Which guy would not love his dose of nice patterned/designed underwear to attract his girl eh?

I met Jeremy online and he gave me a blog topic... a topic which he kinda likes i think, judging that his nick was Brief something something... Hahaha.. nice dude though! So oh well, his request has been acknowledged.

I bet Vidya would definitely love her future boyfriend to wear these instead of the uncle types:| You can get these sort of designs in hip stores like TopMan!
There is one which is made like a ketupat! How creative are these people eh? U can weave it and shape it according to your groin! LOL!!!!

And last but not least, THE UGLIEST! Something i would never wear! nor most of my friends:| THESE PVC suits! Its looks SUPER sadomasochist! I mean, all you need to do is use a pen and do a small poke on this wear, and wolla! It explodes! Plus, the man don't look sooooo masculine in these suits! Its just gross! LOL

Stupid Exams

What are the ethical principles?

What are the value statements?

What are all these freakin crap about?

Hahaha! Gosh, my mind is soooo booooooooggled about Law, Ethics and Health Care AKA ELAHA!

Its a fun subject though, for testing us on it is kinda pressurizing... now i have 4 subjects to study for, and hopefully, i will either maintain or improve my GPA

Kinda found this picture on the net... It kinda interest me though... hahaha, the different looks on different nurses.... I find Miss Wong pretty:| Thats because she is the only one who looks young? and well drawn? Hahaha!


Okie enough of the shouting, now i seriously have to go to Zena's place to freakinly study my Psychology, Sociology and Nursing science 4, which i know nuts about!

All i can say now is "PRAISE THE LORD"

Lets see what crappy answers i can write/draw on my exam script...

Till tomorrow!

Haut Fashion

I was in Haut Fashion's website and i kinda dropped by some DEAD GORGEOUS PICTURES!!!!

1) The models are hot!

2) The dressings are Nice!

3) The scenery is spectacular

4) Its just STUNNING!

Take a look!

Love this picture the most!

This one reminds me of a air stewardess though

The pictures all came from ... Have a look!


Yes, i know, this pic is really big right? It just shows how STRESSED I AM!!! ARGH!!!! I NEED MORE ESPRESSO PLEASE!!!!

GOSH!!!! EXAM'S next week!!!!!!

Oh no!

Oh well, anyway, i just wanna talk about something i saw yesterday...

I was walking into the Ngee Ann Alumni cafe when i saw this guy, feeding another guy... that instant, i kinda had a hint that they were gay...

Than i sat somewhere beside them, with Zena by my side... and OH MY GOD! I GOT A FREE SHOW... and it was FREAKING SWEEEEET!!!!!!!!!! These 2 guys were publicly showing their affection, the bottom being shy to express it infront of me though.. but they way there were, it was just so darn cute la!!!!!

Hahaha... as i said, i support rainbows!!! I wanted to go there and give them a handshake for coming out of the clossit to publicly show their affection.. but than again, i am kinda a little against it... I mean, as long as they dont do it near young people, i dont mind.... HEHEHE!!! But oh my, Zena and i kinda got jealous!!! HAHAHA!!!!

I feel that i want a girlfriend!!!!!!!! Oh my!!!!

Thats all for now i guess,

Hope i will survive throughout this common test!!!


No blogging for a week!

I am sad to say that I would not be blogging for 1 week. Sorry, but there wont be any bitchy, or disgusting post for around 7 days.. Need to study for my common test!

Wishing me all the best!


A question...

I am just kinda curious!

There is business fashion, street fashion and even devil fashion (Gothic)... there are all different types of wear....

Is wearing a business fashion fashionable for a casual party? Nope!

But what about OLD FASHION? Is it still considered as a type of fashion or just plain slashion? Hmmp... I mean, if you see someone wearing a old fashion clothing, it kinda looks nice, but is it still considered fashionable?

Drain pipe jeans is old fashion, and those suspenders also.. HMMP... or even bow ties!

What do you think?

Write it under COMMENTS!

Loving ya!

I need sunglasses!!!!

I soo need sunglasses, and of course contact lenses....

My Reebok glasses which i have been wearing for over a year and a half have just left me a scar and a dent on my nose! LIKE OH MY LORD!

This is is by Adidas! Kinda look like a goggle right? Think its cool though!

This one is by Gucci though, love its cat eye look! Hareni should totally invest on one of these!
And here comes my favorites! Prada! I was THIS close in buying a Prada eye glasses when someone stopped me :| It looked really nice la! Hope i can get my hands on one of these during christmas!
Another one by Prada! MUACKS! Fabulous!

Okie, now its time for me to deside on the contacts! I thought of getting the one with the pearl gray look, so i kinda look like i have been possessed! Oh shall i go for the warm honey? Help please!!!!!! Deside for me! Write it under comments! Thanks darlings!
Loving ya all!


Oh my god! Hottie alert! WOOT!!!!

Gosh, which straight guy would not be attracted to a hottie like her? Well, hell yea I am!

I think she is really cool la! I mean, she came here to Singapore right? And she sang, and there was some microphone problem, and she was like a little pissed but continued to wow her fans!!! YOU GO GIRL!!!!

Wow! I love her hair man... and her eyes...... and .... and...... oh well, love whats she is wearing!

Drools............................................. Pink seriously suits her!

Truely Man? MY FOOT!

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Paris For President!

Picture of the day!

Today's post will be rather light on its content though, have to get over what happened during my practical exams today! hahaha!

Well, i came across this video in Hareni's friend's blog, and i find it really interesting and funny!

Have a look at it, and please don't forget to vote Paris as your new president! (even though its over) Hahaha....

Have a nice day ahead people!


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