The day the earth stood still

Watched this movie yesterday... and guess what.... THIS MOVIE SUCKS.. its about a martian who comes to earth.. to save it from humans... bla bla bla.. and many small little globes.. and a truck loads of rubbish scenes! GOSH! Wasted my 15 dollars! 15 dollars leh! Can buy 7 plates of chicken rice! 1 week lunch! GOSH! SUCH A WASTE!!!! Hahaha....

This movie does not even deserve a rating at all! 0/5? Such an embarrassment for Keanu Reeves though... Mr Bean the movie is the most boring... followed by the legend, flowed by this! It really sucks la! And full of pure crap! Really, wanted to throw tomatos on the big screen! Hahahahaha! I kinda had a good nap though during the movie though!

Oh well, thats all for now!

Toddles colludles!


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