Give way to ambulance!

I was in this blog called Moby Sky.... and i kinda read a few comments made by his readers...

His post was 1 year back and was about some drivers not giving way to police cars.... Here are some of the comments he received...

Blur Ting said...

I so agree with you. I saw this ambulance flashing with sirens and all behind this lady driver on the PIE. I couldn't believe she didn't give way at all for a long long time... either she was oblivious to the whole thing (which is driving unconsciously) or simply worried that if she gives way, she doesn't know how to get back onto the fast lane.

stalker878 said...

I so agree with you..
I have sent quite a few patients to the hospital and everytime you can see cars refusing to filter away from the lane the ambulance is going. Instead they choose to speed up, ignoring the fact that the ambulance can travel as fast as them.. Worse still when there is a traffic jam, they just cut for their own benefit leaving the ambulance to resort to the rd shoulder to move..

July 06, 2007 10:32 PM

In today's news paper, its clearly stated that some (not all) of Singapore drivers are not giving way to the ambulance. GOSH!!! Can't you guys even do a simple thing like that? Just move to your left? There are like freaking lives to save here... For goodness sakes, stop being stubborn and follow the rules. Bloody arse drivers!!! In the end, people blame health care professionals like us for not being able to save the patients.... sigh sigh sigh... just a simple gesture could help prevent all these and save lives... Just imagine if you were to suffer the same faith........................
Well and than there was another news about Julie's biscuit. Its being recalled... How come these china factories add melamine to all of their products? and what for? So weird..... Its like seeing TOTALLY SPIES in real life, where the evil maniacs want to dominate the world by doing weird stuff... Its just dumb... And not forgetting, most of the lives were lost in China by consuming these products.. please save lives in your country man... don't kill them! Poor Chinese people...


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